Our advantage

One of the most professional medical instrument design service providers in china. Through many years of practice and application in the medical field, we have accumulated rich experience in design and development in the fields of rehabilitation, physical therapy, health management, professional medical electronics, civil medicine and other fields

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    High quality R & D production team

    There are more than 100 employees. Among them, more than 30 senior technical personnel; the core pro...
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    Powerful instrument processing capability

    Adhere to the concept of safety design and adopt the method of artificial mechanics engineering. Sel...
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    Strict product quality inspection procedure

    We have been committed to providing customers with world-class quality laboratory equipment and equi...
Our advantage


One of the most professional medical instrument design service providers in china. Through many years of practice and application in the medical field, we have accumulated rich experience in design and development in the fields of rehabilitation physiotherapy, health management, professional medical electronics, civil medicine and other fields


One of the most professional medical instrument design service providers in china. Through many years of practice and application in the medical field, we have accumulated rich experience in design and development in the fields of rehabilitation physiotherapy, health management, professional medical electronics, civil medicine and other fields

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Mobile:86-13512345678 Telephone:86-010-12345678

Address:Room 906, 8th Building Garden, XueYuan Road HaiDian District Beijing China
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